We are God’s people together. We are connected within the faith community and the larger community. We are connected with our local congregation and the larger church. How might God be calling us to cultivate connection? Labor Day provides an opportunity to connect the idea of vocation across the entire congregation and community. “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday on September 8th is a natural Sunday for connecting with one’s larger community. In connecting with one another, relationships grow and so too awareness about one’s gifts, vocations, questions, and dreams. In connecting with one another, ponder too about possible stories from August’s theme. What did you try? And how perhaps did it connect you with others?

Questions for Reflection:

  • What are your gifts that God has entrusted you with? What are the gifts that God has entrusted your neighbor with? How might these gifts help cultivate connection?
  • As the fall begins and so the ministry program year, how will you help cultivate connection within your faith community?
  • What connections might God be inviting you to tend to, or to intentionally grow this year?

Suggested Hymns and Songs:

God’s Work, Our Hands – ACS 1000
Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ  – ELW 674 & WOV 754
Lift Every Voice and Sing – ELW 841 & LBW 562
Light Dawns on a Weary World – ELW 723

Other Theme Considerations and Potential Connections:

  • “Cultivating Connection” could mean countless things in your congregation and community. What are 3-5 ways that you might intentionally cultivate connection this month?
  • The September calendar includes Labor Day, “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday, harvest time for many in agricultural contexts, and National Hispanic Heritage Month. What sort of connections might God be inviting through these dates and observances?