
Walking with Courage and Hope

Beloved siblings in Christ,

I was invited to share a reflection with the Nebraska Synod of what I have seen, wondered, witnesses, and imagined, as I saw the ideas from the New Jersey Synod “Go And…” come to life in a different way in the Nebraska Synod.

First, it was such a joy to be with you all at the 2023 Nebraska Synod Assembly as Bishop Scott Alan Johnson with the synod staff, kicked off the year-long theme “Go And…”. I had the honor to share with you how a group of faithful leaders in the New Jersey Synod gathered virtually for a year under the theme “Go And…”, to foster holy imagination, engage in spiritual practices, and cultivate community rooted in God’s love that relates to everyday life.

It warms my heart every time I see the thoughtful, caring, creative, inspiring, and inviting ways you have embodied this journey throughout the year. You are so blessed with a Bishop, synod staff, and lay and ordained leaders, that together provide a myriad of ideas, resources, materials, handouts, practices, and ways to respond to Jesus’ sending in the Great Commission, to “GO And…”.

While both Synods continue to work on their process of “Go And…”, it is beautiful to notice that we are connected in Christ and partners in the gospel, figuring out how to be faithful disciples and servants of Christ in our own context.

It is still fresh in my mind the thought-provoking and inspiring sermon of Bishop Scott Johnson at last year’s Synod Assembly about starting this journey by traveling light, based on his experience of walking the Camino in Spain. Bishop Scott Johnson inspired me to take the risk and walk the Camino, which I just did in April. I am still wondering and sorting out the impact of this deeply transformative experience. I know that the joys of the Camino are real, deep and can last for years. The gifts of the Camino that I am carrying on now, are the deep connections, a sense of accomplishment, and the mutual care we experienced with other pilgrims.

“Nothing natural or interesting goes in a straight line.
As a matter of fact, it is the quickest way to the wrong place.
And don’t try to pretend you know where you are going. Because if you know where you are going, that means you’ve already been there, and you are going to end up exactly where you came from.” – Naomi Newman from the play Snake Talk: Urgent Messages from the Mother

At last year’s Synod Assembly, Bishop Scott Johnson’s sermon suggested a call to go out, to go on an adventure, to see God in the world. The sermon finished with the invitation to become travelers and pilgrims of the Nebraska Synod pilgrimage with “Go And…”. In his own words: “Go and be the disciples Jesus calls us to be and to be the church set on an adventure!” It was an invitation to learn, try, and experience being church in new ways accompanied with a wealth of support and possibilities to proclaim the gospel in word and deeds, to engage in spiritual practices, to offer faith formation and discipleship opportunities, and to serve God’s world. It was not a “go” on your own, but rather a “go” together, a “go” supporting each other, a “go” that offered accompaniment and a reminder of Jesus promise “I am with you always, to the end of the age” Matthew 28:20

My hope for you is that throughout the year you experienced ups and downs, successes and failures, joys and challenges. I hope your journey was “curvy,” filled with curiosity about your neighbors and God’s beloved places around you, so that you ended up in new places as communities of faith. I hope you traveled lightly, and that your walks were blessed with a new way of seeing things — God’s way. I hope it provided a time of learning, connections, and that new spiritual practices arose with the people of God and the surrounding community. At the end, it is not about our way and our knowing… It is about joining what God is doing in the world while seeking to understand and practice gospel life and witness in today’s cultures.

In the New Jersey Synod this month we relaunched our monthly virtual gatherings of “Go And…”, reimagining how we invite people into relationship and share God’s love. Just as you are wrapping up this year’s theme and moving into “Cultivating Love” for the next year, the overlap is no mere coincidence. This is the power of the Holy Spirit leading the way, connecting us beyond our expectations, and showing up. In Christ we are connected to one another, weaved into God’s tapestry of love, while physically separated by miles and miles. One may ask, “what might the Spirit be providing us with this new year?”

My hope is that from all the ideas and things you tried out, you might cling on to three learnings and move forward with them. Maybe these are practices you treasure in your everyday life, or that have shaped your congregation, or maybe they are learning new ways to embody Christian identity and purpose; whatever they are, don’t lose them. In other words: what have you learned from God, yourself, your church, and your neighbors during this last year, that you want to carry on as you embark in this new year as you embrace the practice of cultivating love?

May you “Go And…” embrace courage and hope as you embark in the journey of “Cultivating Love” among God’s people in your communities! Thank you for continuing to cling to Christ and “… therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

I pray you have a blessed Synod Assembly,

Maristela Freiberg
The Rev. Maristela Freiberg
Director for Evangelical Mission/Assistant to the Bishop
New Jersey Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America