
A Time of Transition for the Nebraska Synod Council

By Dara Troutman, Outgoing Synod Council Vice President

The changing of seasons also ushers in transition for the Nebraska Synod Council. The Council functions as the board of directors of the Synod and attends to governance matters between meetings of the Nebraska Synod Assembly. Its role is not dissimilar to that of your church council which likely meets frequently throughout the year whereas your full congregation may meet only once annually.

The Nebraska Synod Council meets quarterly. Each fall, those newly elected by Synod Assembly gather for an orientation, then join continuing members for their first meeting. This year, that meeting will include a new Bishop and Vice President who also were elected in June. The Vice President presides at Council meetings and works with the Bishop and Synod staff on a preliminary agenda for each meeting.

The Bishop and VP, along with the Treasurer and Secretary, are the officers of the Synod. In accordance with the Synod’s Constitution, they, along with 10 to 24 other members and a youth and young adult representative, comprise the Synod Council. (Currently, there are 23 Council members including the four officers.) Most Council members are representatives from the mission cluster units elected to a single six-year term; the youth member serves a two-year term. Three are at-large members from those under-represented because of culture and/or gender.

The majority (at least 60 percent) of Council members are laypersons. The Council strives to have at least 45 percent of its members female and 45 percent male, with a similar gender balance for the elected rostered leaders. Additionally, it seeks to have at least ten percent of its members be persons of color and/or persons whose primary language is other than English.

While the Nominating Committee does an excellent job identifying prospective Synod Council members, not all positions are currently filled. The only requirement to serve is that a candidate must be a voting member of a congregation of the Synod who meets the demographic profile of the position being elected. Positions rotate regularly between laypersons and rostered leaders and between genders; our policies provide flexibility for consideration of those who are nonbinary.

Historically, Council meetings have occurred on Fridays and/or Saturdays in September, November or December, February or March, and May or June in conjunction with Synod Assembly, and often are hosted by congregations at churches throughout the state. Most meetings are held in person, though during the height of the Coronavirus pandemic we met virtually for almost two years. All meetings include time for spiritual practice and growth, and often celebrate Eucharist.

Agenda topics vary but include setting strategy, reviewing financials, recommending the budget, issuing letters of call, reviewing the rosters, receiving reports, carrying out Assembly resolutions, addressing congregational matters, filling vacancies, and authorizing staff positions.

It has been my honor to serve as Vice President of the Nebraska Synod Council for the past eight years.

I am especially grateful to Bishop Brian Maas, Diane Harpster, and the many elected Council members and Synod staff members with whom I have served. It has been a privilege and a joy to work with you to grow disciples, walk together, and serve God’s world as part of the Nebraska Synod. Thank you.