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EMMAUS: ‘Growing Young’ Book Study & Planning for Change

EMMAUS: ‘Growing Young’ Book Study & Planning for Change

Program description: 

Explore the book Growing Young by Kara Powell, Jake Mulder and Brad Griffin with colleagues from across the state who would like to better engage youth, young adults and families in their ministries.  Each session we’ll dive into learning about one or more of the six essential strategies that help young people love the church.

  • Week 1 Topics (Chapters 1, 2 & 3): What congregations are doing right.  Sharing power with the right people at the right time. Why 25 is the new 15, and 15 is the new 25.
  • Week 2 Topics (Chapters 4, 5 & 7): What’s young about the Good News.  Warm is the new cool. Loving and shaping your world well.
  • Week 3 Topics (Chapters 6 & 8): From rhetoric to reality.  How to create a plan for change.

Participants are strongly encouraged to read the book Growing Young by Powell, Mulder and Griffin, but it is not a prerequisite for participating in the course.  Teams of two or more people from the same ministry setting are encouraged to register together so that each has one or more partners during the course and for follow-up work afterwards.

Bio of instructor: 

Lisa Kramme is in her thirteenth year serving as the Director for Faith Formation with the Nebraska Synod.  She’s participated in a Growing Young Train the Trainer event offered by the ELCA and coordinates conversations about how to use Growing Young throughout the Nebraska Synod.  Lisa is dedicated to offering experiences for young people to grow as leaders in the church, and she values what each generation brings to the life of the congregation.  She lives in Fremont with her husband Keith and dog Owen, she’s a mom and grandma, and her most favorite thing is to listen to people share their stories.

Class Details

Format:  Online

How many sessions and length of each:  Three sessions at 90 minutes each

Dates:  Sundays, January 23, February 6 and February 20 from 6:30-8pm CT / 5:30-7:00 MT

Registration Deadline: Monday, January 17, 2022 (minimum to 8 participants required)

Costs:  They will purchase their own copy of Growing Young.  This course is sponsored by the Faith Formation ministry of the Nebraska Synod.

Target audience:  This will be appropriate for rostered ministers, PMAs and lay people who are interested in engaging young people in their congregation.  It is for paid staff as well as volunteers.  The course will be appropriate for adults of all ages. You are encouraged to participate with others from your congregation.

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